The mash went quite well, a little stuck during the initial sparge but the second sparge batch went well, perhaps a little too fast as my efficiency was a bit low. Once I hit a boil, there was a little boil over but not a lot lost although it kept threatening to go over again. This led to frequent spraying to keep the head under control. I ended up with more liquid than expected and a lower OG. Extraction efficiency and the boil water additions led to an OG of 1.048 but the wort didn't taste over hopped or over spiced so I stuck with that instead of adding DME to up the gravity.
I was planning about a week in the primary but there's quite a bit of trub in there, coupled with a healthy fermentation, I might be racking on Thursday. I'll edit and update this post when it goes over to the secondary where it'll sit for a couple of weeks, maybe even a month before going into bottles until Christmas.
October 14, 2010 Update:
Racked to secondary today. Temp was down to 66°F and only a few bubbles were coming through the blow off. There was quite a bit of yeast and trube but I got a fairly clean transfer. Measured 1.011 but I expect it to drop another point or two. Taste was not bad, decent spice. A little light on the malt but that may improve with age and carbonation. I'm planning on at least 3 weeks in secondary then a month or more in bottles.
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